General Donations

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General Donations

General Donations£1.00

General Donations

General donations help us prioritise funds where needed most.

General Donations - MONTHLY

General Donations - MONTHLY£1.00

General Donations

Your donations, automated

Food Pack - Gambia

Food Pack - Gambia£32.00

Food Pack - Gambia

Package: Rice, Milk Powder, Oil, Beans

Feeding Programme

Feeding Programme£185.00

Feeding Programme

Package: Cooked meal, serving at least 120 people


Food Pack - Pakistan

Food Pack - Pakistan£23.00

Food Pack - Pakistan

Package: Essential Food Items 

Quran Donation

Quran Donation£5.00

Quran Donation

Package: Quran and Distribution

Agriculture Donation

Agriculture Donation£5.00

Fruit Trees

Package: 1 Tree Planting

Chicken Set - Pakistan

Chicken Set - Pakistan£47.00

Chicken Set

Package: 5 Chickens

Dairy Cow - Bangladesh

Dairy Cow - Bangladesh£310.00

Dairy Cow

Package: 1 Cow

Goat - Gambia

Goat - Gambia£125.00


Package: 1 Goat

Goat Pair - Pakistan

Goat Pair - Pakistan£200.00

Goat Pair

Package: 2 Goats

Commerce Cart - Pakistan

Commerce Cart - Pakistan£285.00

Commerce Cart

Package: Cart and Starter Pack

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